Cydney Barnes

Advance Care Consultant

  • Over 20 years of experience in pre-planning family
  • Funeral Coordinator, Southside Church of Christ for 15 years
  • Community Engagement Director, 2023-2024 Bonney Watson.


  • Bachelor of Science in Human Service/Management
  • Death Doula Certificate
  • Five Wishes Presenter Certification

Letter from the Founder:

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. ECCLESIASTES 3:1-2

One thing I’ve learned, people will plan for a birthday, graduation, wedding, and retirement, but the average person does not prepare for their final expenses.

Most people say, “I know, I need to complete my final arrangement paperwork.” Or “My family knows what to do in the event I die.”  The truth of the matter is your wishes may not be honored if you don’t legally document and sign the paperwork.  You can prevent a lot of unnecessary confusion that can and will occur amongst families. Someone you may not really want to make life decisions about you, may be just that person.

At Live to Leave Your Legacy, our mission is that our clients transition with dignity, love, honor and respect. Our  services are designed to help you preserve your legacy by sharing with others how to honor “Your Life, Your Choices and Your Wishes.” 





Every life deserves to Leave a Legacy.

Why not be intentional about yours?




Set Your Affairs in Order

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The Evergreen State Washington


Live to Leave Your Legacy 

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